Social Media
By interacting with us on Social Media (including without limitation joining our official “Ariana Grande Merch” group/page or following us on the Social Media. Liking”, writing a comment in relation to a page on the Social Media) you are consenting to our interaction with you on the Social Media and the processing of your information accessed on the Social Media. The information about you that may be collected when you Interact with us on the Social Media may include without limitation your name, your user profile, your age, your preferences, choices and viewpoints with regards to the topic or subject matter of the relevant Social Media page, your photos and other images and your videos.
Please let us know if at any time you wish us to stop interacting with you on the Social Media or using any of your information on the Social Media by contacting us at the details set out below.
Your Rights
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes.
If you would like to arrange to access the information we hold on you or believe that the information we hold on you in incorrect then please contact us using the contact details outlined below.
The Site is not intended for the use of children under the age of 13. Do not enter any information if you are aged 13 or under. We do not knowingly collect the details of children and if we discover that we have unwittingly done so without parental/guardian consent then we will without reservation delete all such information that we hold. If you believe that we have information on a child, please contact us to let us know, using the contact details below.
If you would like more information on our privacy policy or need to contact us for one of the reasons outlined in the above, please e-mail us at: